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We invite you to support this special cultural transition project.

Our purpose is to support individuals who have escaped (or proactively left) polygamy or any of the Mormon fundamentalist groups. Through the MRL Endowment, My Reinvented Life will provide means for seeking out life coaching to support them in creating lives more in harmony with their newly developed core values.


We understand that everyday needs must be addressed FIRST for coaching’s creative and visionary process to be most effective.


With that in mind, My Reinvented Life is partnering with like-minded non-profit organizations to ensure that our applicants receive other critical services necessary for a smoother and more intentional transition. 


Regardless of whether an applicant is in the process of escaping/leaving this culture, or they have been out for some time and want to be proactive about their next steps in obtaining desired results, we welcome them to apply right away!


Life coaching has proven to be a VERY effective support modality as it focuses primarily on future growth and planning. Even if an applicant is attending therapy (chiefly focusing on healing past drama), which we applaud, we believe working with a personal coach can be the difference between obtaining their dreams or falling back into old programming.

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Image by Anthony Cantin

Partnering Organizations

Cherish Families: Connect individuals and families, primarily those from polygamous cultures, with tools and resources for generational success.


Holding Out Help: Provide those from polygamous cultures the care, support, and resources to become independent and self-sufficient.


Sheroes United: Supporting people in overcoming trauma in the areas of human trafficking and domestic violence.


Saprea: A non-profit that liberates individuals and society from child sexual abuse and its lasting impacts. (pending)


Partner with us

If you’re a non-profit and would like to become a partner in this special project, please contact us at


Become a sponsor for this special project!


Look inside. The courage is within you to step out of the box someone else constructed for you.”

- Deb Dowdle

What can I do to help?


We're collecting a core group of coaches passionate about this cause and equipped to support the very specific needs of people who’ve left polygamy. If you feel this calling is for you, please apply right away.



As a new non-profit, we're extremely grateful for your help in sharing our message, especially with this new project, Reinventing After Polygamy.


Please subscribe, follow and share all our social media platforms:

  • Facebook - Myreinventedlifeinc

  • Instagram - @myreinventedlife

  • Twitter -  @MRLendowment

  • LinkedIn - myreinventedlife

  • YouTube -  @MyReinventedLife-bd4kf



If you are aware of anyone who could benefit from the MRL Endowment, please direct them to our website where they can apply.


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